Free download games like worldbox
Free download games like worldbox

free download games like worldbox

fixed: small fix that should correctly calculate units targeted by AoE damage.fixed: if musicbox ( fmod ) fails to initialize, we'll turn off sounds and music instead of crashing the game.fixed: dragons didn't damage other units directly and didn't register kills.fixed: rare soft crash when mad unit with AoE damage attacks itself with projectile weapons.fixed: cities have holes in their borders on load.fixed: save slot numbers were showing wrong sometimes.fixed: civs could build farms on snow hills.fixed: venomous trait didn't give poison.fixed: opinions not aligned to the right for RTL languages.fixed: some issues with language translations.fixed: culture title not translated in tooltip.50% fixed and related to ghost cities bug fixed: alliances get dissolved right away.fixed: ghost cities sometimes not removed from the map.fixed: some brushes showing in wrong order.fixed: war lines acting weird on mobiles.fixed: sometimes diplomacy didn't work at all on big maps with many clans.fixed: sometimes units had negative health and became unkillable.fixed: earthquake removes buildings instead of making ruins.fixed: dead trees and ruins sometimes won't show on mini map as that.fixed: mad clan members can be chosen to be kings/leaders and would then bug out.fixed: flame sword had a lot of armor bonus, instead of damage.fixed: sometime AoE attacks didn't resolve correctly.fixed: mobs still trying to go broken golden brain.fixed: sometimes the crabzilla laser sound kept playing after his death.changes: changed how edges on minimap are shown.changes: snowman is now friends with many species.changes: druid and super pumpkins now friends.changes: clan layer would show only villa clans, not kingdom clan on capital city.changes: opinion - far borders changed from 35 to 25.changes: opinion - close borders changed from -50 to -25.changes: opinion - same species bonus changed from 5 to 15.changes: humans don't like orcs now too(for opinion check).changes: opinion because of different species changed from -20 to -50.changes: opinion because of clans changed from 30 to 40.Now small kingdoms would join non connected border alliance, only if they don't have any other kingdoms at their borders.

free download games like worldbox

  • changes: adjusted how kingdoms join alliance.
  • changes: added sliders in the settings menu.
  • changes: added font for simplified chinese.
  • changes: dragons will prefer flying to lava or ground tiles.
  • changes: ufo disaster changed to appear only at age of moon.
  • changes: removed whoosh sound when map is moved.
  • changes: added bigger timeout for alliance plot creation.
  • changes: dragon attacks have now a small force effect with damage.
  • changes: dragons now friendly with fire elementals.
  • added: option to adjust the intensity of the color of some ages.
  • free download games like worldbox

  • added: option to adjust the intensity of the night.

  • Free download games like worldbox